Charity Support

Nature Does it Best

Healing the Planet From the Ground Up

We believe that healthy food starts in healthy soil. That’s why we’re a proud sponsor of Living Earth Foundation; and support them in their mission to restore the vitality of the earths soil thru Regenerative Agriculture. This process restores vital microbes back into the food web, nourishing root systems, reducing irrigation needs, and optimizing carbon capture.

Every time you buy from the Living Earth Coffee store, we will donate 1% of retail sales to Living Earth projects. 

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Organic Agriculture


Organic agriculture outperforms, outproduces, and outpaces the conventional agrochemical industrial systems! This new approach to farming is called "regenerative organic agriculture", which is designed to quickly cleanse and rebuild nature's soil food web. 

For more information visits:

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Restoring Family Farms to their rightful place as "Caretakers of the Earth"

For too long, agrochemical farming has controlled the primary means of food production despite the ill-health effects that it has on the families, the communities, and the environment. More and more farmers are being squeezed out because they can't afford the high operational & mechanization expenses with such low profit margins. These smaller farms are systematically being marginalized and replaced by the agro-industrial conglomerates. 

Our nonprofit organization is fully committed to restoring the viability of the family-owned farms and ranches by providing them with the educational tools and resources for dramatically improving the resilience and productivity of their soils.

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