Our Story

A New Appreciation

I am an unlikely person to start a coffee company. My love for coffee began only a few years ago while on a motorcycle adventure in Northern California with two life long friends. We had stopped at a local Coffee Shop and for the first time I tasted a coffee that blew me away. It was a single origin coffee from South America that was freshly ground and roasted. The richness and depth of flavor was like nothing I had ever tasted before. There was no bitterness or burnt taste that I had become accustomed to. It changed my perception of coffee forever.

Coffee Belt

One of the most enjoyable parts of running this business is finding new and unique coffee blends and then adding them to my collection. I love meeting and talking with other people who also enjoy coffee. It is my goal to travel and meet growers along all parts of the Coffee Belt. So if you want to step out of the normal and experience some extraordinary coffee's from around the world Living Earth Coffee is your place.

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